Policy Manual

5.13 Leaves of Absence without Pay


To enable employees to receive extended time away from work to recover from medical disability or to handle compelling personal business.


This policy applies to all faculty and staff employees of Rochester University.


Leaves of absence without pay may be granted to an employee who has justified the need for such leave due to an emergency, severe hardship or to recover from medical disability. Such leaves are approved on a case by case basis. No loss of service credit will occur as a result of the leave of absence, but no credit will accrue toward vacation and sick leave entitlement for the duration of the leave. The employee will be responsible for paying the entire cost of his or her group health insurance coverage and that of his or her dependents.

Personal leaves are granted for a minimum of five work days and are limited to a maximum of twelve months in duration. Personal leaves are those which do not qualify for FMLA identified previously. All vacation and sick time must be exhausted before personal leave is considered. All benefits cease at the end of the month in which personal leave exceeds one month.

An employee’s failure to return from leave of absence, or failure to contact the Human Resource Director after the scheduled date of return, will be considered a voluntary resignation.