Policy Manual

16.6 Driving and Parking on Campus

Campus personnel and students must register vehicles with the Student Development Office within one day of arriving on campus. Upon registration, a parking permit will be issued for each vehicle authorized on campus. This permit must be affixed to the vehicle as directed.

Vehicle operating on campus should abide by the following guidelines:

  • Vehicles should be driven at a safe operating speed. This speed should be reduced when weather conditions or pedestrian traffic affects the driving conditions.
  • Vehicle use is restricted to the main driveways and paved parking areas.
  • Students are not permitted to operate vehicles in the parking areas, driveways or access roads beyond the Muirhead building; including vehicle access to the science building, gymnasium, music center, maintenance area, and Gallaher Center employee parking lot.
  • Off-road motorized vehicles (dirt bikes, jeeps, 4-wheel drives, etc.) must be operated on approved roadways and parking areas at all times.
  • All vehicles operated or parked on campus must be operable, licensed, and insured.
  • All vehicles should be operated in a safe manner. Unsafe operations will result in the operator losing driving privileges on campus.

Vehicle parking on campus should abide by the following guidelines:

  • Students are authorized to park in the Campus Center lot, East lot, and the Palmer parking lot according to the parking permit displayed on the windshield. Employees may also use these parking lots.
  • Students are not permitted to park vehicles in the parking areas beyond the Muirhead building, including the gym, music center, and Gallaher Center employee parking lot. No private vehicles are permitted beyond the gate accessing the gymnasium and maintenance area. Additionally, student vehicles are not permitted to park in the auditorium drive area.
  • Employees and students should abide by the reserved parking spaces (maintenance, handicap, visitors, etc.).
  • Employees and students failing to observe proper vehicle procedures will be ticketed and assessed a fine. Vehicles not displaying a permit will also be ticketed.