Policy Manual

16.5 Campus Vehicle Operations Policy


The college places great concern for personnel safety and the protection of campus vehicles and equipment. This policy establishes procedures and guidelines for driving or operating campus vehicles, special vehicles, and equipment.


Use of campus vehicles shall conform to the procedures established below. This is important to assure that insurance and liability protection is afforded to the operator and to the College. Vehicle and travel policy questions should be addressed to the Vehicle Manager.

Authorized Vehicle Use

College personnel may use College vehicles only for College-related business as approved by the supervising administrator. Recruiting and development travel receives priority use of vehicles. Priority for buses and vans include chorus and sports activities. Other uses may be granted on a “space-available ” basis.

Vehicle use is authorized only for those individuals who are listed on the vehicle insurance list—without exception. Absolutely no vehicle is to be driven by anyone who is not on the vehicle insurance list. Questions concerning authorized individuals on the vehicle insurance list should be directed to the Vehicles Manager.

Vehicle operation shall conform to all local, state, and federal laws. The College will not reimburse drivers for any tickets or citations. Operators should be especially mindful that many vehicles have extensive mileage on them or are expected to last for many more miles. Therefore, they should be treated with extra care and must not be driven hard or fast.


Employees and students may drive campus vehicles under the following conditions. The term “employees” may include non-employees acting in an official capacity for the college when so designated by an administrator. Failure to follow or enforce this policy will result in loss of driving privileges of college vehicles.

The following procedures are established for individuals using College vehicles.

  • A Request for Vehicle Use Form should be completed and submitted to the supervising administrator. This form should include the type of vehicle requested, the dates and times the vehicle is needed, destination and purpose, driver’s license information, and the individual who will be driving the vehicle. The individual driving the vehicle assumes full responsibility for its use and operation.
  • The supervising administrator should review the form for accuracy, completeness and approval for use. The form is then given to the Vehicles Manager. Requests should be completed as far in advance as possible. This is especially important since the Vehicles Manager has limited work hours each day and may not be available for last minute requests. The Vehicles Manager will review the form, verify insurance, and log the request on the vehicle use calendar.
  • If the vehicle keys are to be picked up the evening prior to use, the requestor should include this in the request. When a requested vehicle is in use, keys may not be available as requested. In this situation, it is the requestor’s responsibility to coordinate key pickup with the user returning a vehicle.
  • Vehicles must be turned in by 8:30 a.m., fully gassed, cleaned, and ready for the next user. Vehicles should be parked in the assigned parking location. The vehicle operator must also provide the starting and ending mileage, any gas charge receipts must be turned in to the Vehicles Manager the same day that the vehicle is turned in.
  • Accidents, malfunctions, or repairs involving College or rental vehicles should be reported to the supervisor and Vehicles Manager at the earliest opportunity.
  • License. All drivers must have a valid driver’s license for the vehicle and type of driving to be performed. The employee making the vehicle request on behalf of the student driver must personally verify student drivers have a current driver’s license. All drivers must be registered with the Vehicles Manager by providing name, date of birth and driver’s license number. The driver’s license must be verified for “each” request to ensure the student’s license has not expired or that the license has not been revoked.
  • Motor Vehicle Record. Motor vehicle record will be checked on all drivers initially when they are placed on the RC insurance policy, and every two years after the initial check. Any driver who does not meet the following minimum criteria will not be permitted to drive college vehicles. Stricter standards may be imposed for driving privileges for certain vehicles (i.e. 15 passenger vans)
    • No major violations in the past three years. (DWI, reckless driving, drugs, leaving the scene, etc.)
    • Maximum of two moving violations in combination with one at fault accident.
    • Maximum of three moving violations in the past three years with no at fault accidents.
    • Maximum of two at fault accidents in the past three years with no moving violations.
  • Experience. All drivers must have past experience driving the type of vehicle (and any trailer) before they may operate a campus vehicle. The employee should verify this on behalf of any student for which he/she is making a vehicle request.
  • Driving History Questionnaire. All employees and students who will have occasion to drive college owned vehicles must complete and submit to the Vehicles Manager the Driving History Questionnaire before they will be allowed to drive.
  • Insurance. All drivers must be listed on the college’s authorized insurance list maintained by the Vehicles Manager. The employee making the vehicle request should verify this insurance listing with the manager. Likewise, the employee should verify the insurance on behalf of any student driver for which he/she is making a vehicle request.
  • Employee and Volunteer Use of Personal Vehicle for College Business. Employees and volunteers who use their personal vehicle for college related business must provide a certificate of insurance to the Vehicles Coordinator. The liability limits should be at least $300,000. College related business would be defined as but not limited to: Frequent travel in personal vehicle to conduct college related business, transporting students or employees to official college functions if attendance is required at the function by the students or employees, etc. Voluntarily driving a personal vehicle to attend a college sports game, even if transporting students or employees, would not be considered college related business as long as this was not being done in an “official” capacity.
  • Authorization. The specific individual(s) whose name appears on the Vehicle Request Form as the “driver” must do the actual driving. All anticipated drivers for a given trip must be listed on the Vehicle request form so that they can be checked against the approved list. The individual(s) is the only authorized driver and may not allow others to drive the vehicle at any time. This is a safety precaution to ensure only properly licensed, qualified, and insured drivers operate the vehicle.
  • Seat Belts: Signs requiring seat belt usage by all passengers are posted in each vehicle. It is the driver’s responsibility to see that all passengers (and driver) are wearing seat belts at all times when traveling.
  • Group and Team Travel. When special groups such as singing groups, sports teams, clubs, etc., travel, the primary driver must be a college employee if an employee is part of the trip. Sports travel may include coach or assistant coach as the driver; however, the driver must meet the other requirements of this section. Employees on such trips should not designate a student to drive unless they are not qualified to do so themselves. Under no circumstances will a student under age 21 be allowed to drive during group travel. Group travel would include any travel of music groups, sports teams or any other group travel using one of the college’s 15 passenger vans or bus.
  • Passenger Load of 15 passenger vans: A maximum of 10 passengers (including driver) will be allowed for group travel unless the entire trip is to be completed on surface streets where the speed limit would not normally exceed 50 miles per hour. In no circumstance should there be more than 15 passengers including the driver regardless of travel distance. If the rear seat is removed, the equipment loading and luggage should not exceed 450 pounds and should not be placed to obscure the vision of the driver.
  • All persons who might drive 15 passenger vans for any group travel must attend a video training session which will be offered by the Vehicles Manager at various times during the school year.
  • All groups which travel regularly and at times without an employee (such as performing groups), should have only one or two authorized drivers but they must meet all of the above criteria including the age requirement. These drivers are responsible for the occupants, safety, and the vehicle. Any travel or vehicle problems encountered—including vehicle cleanliness—will be coordinated with this individual.
  • Traffic Violations, Accidents, and Citations. Any driver operating a campus vehicle or vehicle rented by RC, involved in an accident, a traffic citation, or any contact by a law enforcement officer regarding his/her driving of the vehicle must notify the Vehicle Manager and the Risk Management Office as soon as possible.
  • Special Vehicles and Equipment. Special vehicles and equipment includes all maintenance equipment such as tractors, snow blowers/plows, lawnmowers, maintenance trailers, and all related equipment. All operators of this equipment must meet the above listed guidelines. Some equipment may not require a license or to be listed on the college’s insurance policy to operate. However, with the many additional hazards associated with the operating specialized equipment, it is imperative that only authorized and experienced individuals operate this equipment. It is the responsibility of the maintenance supervisor to verify proposed operator’s experience and ability.
  • Special vehicles and equipment should not be operated by non-employees or loaned out without the prior approval of the maintenance supervisor and the supervising administrator. This is necessary to control liability and risk should an accident or injury occur. Likewise, the equipment should not be operated off campus without such authorization.
  • Prior to an individual operating special vehicles or equipment, the operator shall be thoroughly briefed on its operation and its safety procedures by the maintenance supervisor. Proper protective equipment shall be worn at all times.

Other Considerations

Personal vehicles may be used with the approval of the supervising administrator. When a personal vehicle is used in lieu of a College vehicle for official College business, reimbursement will be made at the rate of 50¢ per mile, assuming the traveler bears gasoline and related expenses. The operator is responsible for personal vehicle insurance. Personal vehicles should only be used if the trip is less than 150 miles round-trip, or if a rental vehicle is not available.

Travel Expenses

Expenses related to official travel are reimbursable if approved by the supervising administrator. Travel expenses should be submitted for payment in accordance with the Expense Reimbursement Policy in Chapter 17.