Policy Manual

7.1 Telecommunications


To establish a policy regarding the use of technology on campus.


All employees of Rochester University.


Responsibilities and Access

The campus telephone system billing is managed by the ITS Department. College personnel receive an access code for college calls associated with official duties. These calls are billed to his/her department. Specific instructions on use of the access codes may be obtained from the ITS Helpdesk.

All telecommunications systems, including telephones, fax machines, voice mail, and computer systems, should be considered as “confidential or private.” Information on these systems is subject to repair, monitoring, and information deletion or alteration as deemed necessary by the College.

Authorized Equipment

Personnel should only use campus approved telephone equipment. Personal equipment may damage or interfere with the telephone computer system. Telephone answering equipment, caller ID apparatus, computer modems, or other related equipment should not be connected to the campus system without prior approval from the ITS Director. Malfunctions or problems should be reported to the ITS Helpdesk as soon as possible.

Voice Mail Features and Access Code

Voice mail instructions may be obtained from the ITS Helpdesk. All employees should use a unique security code to ensure privacy of voicemail. Random numbers are preferred for all voicemail access codes since there is less likelihood that they can be guessed by others.

Toll-Free Telephone Use for Incoming Calls

The College uses a toll-free 800-number as a part of its marketing efforts. Toll-free telephone calls may only be received by, or transferred to, admissions, financial aid, campus store, development, and the President’s Office. Calls received in these offices regarding other business matters should not be forwarded to unauthorized offices. Calls from “enrolling students” may be forwarded to academic and Student Development.

Offices receiving toll-free calls should not transfer calls to the business office or other unauthorized offices, voice mail, or residence hall rooms. Such callers should be instructed that they must call back on a non-toll-free direct number.

Telephone Fraud

Using a computerized telephone system opens the door to increased telecommunications fraud. Internal and external computer “crackers” or “scammers” who access long distance services for personal use may perpetrate this fraud. As telephone automation technology advances, so does the savvy of computer enthusiasts and their ability to illegally access telephone systems. College personnel must be vigilant in checking telephone billing reports for misuse. Anyone suspecting fraud or improper use of the telephone system should notify the ITS Helpdesk immediately.

Fax Use

The College provides fax terminals for business use. Fax messages must be picked up by individual campus offices daily along with incoming mail. Each office expecting fax messages should check the fax machine for message arrival.

Telephone Billing

Each office is billed for official long distance charges. Personal calls should be placed by using a calling card or with a personal cell phone.