Policy Manual

19.1 Eligibility for Faculty/Staff of the Year


Rochester University has designated two awards, the Faculty Member of the Year and the Staff Member of the Year, to be given at the end of the academic year. The following guidelines will be used to select the appropriate recipient for each award:

Staff Member of the Year

  • All staff members with one complete year of service as of April 30 of the year the award is to be given are eligible.
  • The candidate must be a full-time employee of the college.
  • The candidate must not have received the award within the last ten years.
  • Executive administrators* are not eligible for the award.

Faculty Member of the Year

  • All faculty members who complete one academic year as of April 30 of the year the award is to be given are eligible.
  • The faculty member must be full-time and hold academic rank.
  • The candidate must not have received the award within the last ten years.
  • Executive administrators* are not eligible for the award.

Process for Selection

  • Human Resources will compile the list of eligible candidates for each award.
  • The lists of candidates will be emailed to all employees. Employees will nominate one faculty member and one staff member for the award.
  • Human Resources will compile the nominations and submit to the administrative team for review.
  • The executive level administrators will meet and determine the winner from the top candidates.
  • The award winners are announced at the annual appreciation event.
  • Award winners receive a certificate and a cash stipend.

*Executive administration is defined as the President, Provost and Vice Presidents.