Graduate Handbook 2024-2025

Thesis Proposal

Thesis Proposal Preparation

Students need to select a thesis committee chairperson (typically a faculty mentor), committee  members, and develop a thesis proposal. The proposal will be written in the current APA approved style and will be reviewed by the thesis committee. Notice of approval will come from  the committee chairperson. The proposal is expected to contain the following:

  1. Outlines the planned research project 
  2. Hypothesis 
  3. Objectives 
  4. Design 
  5. Methods for data collection 
  6. Planned statistical analysis 
  7. Implications of potential outcomes 

Students must apply for approval from the university’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) and  then submit amendments (if needed). Collection of the thesis data cannot begin until IRB  approval has been obtained. Students who are using data from a research project that has already  been approved by IRB still must submit a modification to the IRB describing how the data will  be used for their current thesis project.  

Thesis Proposal Meeting

The student must present the thesis proposal at a meeting with their thesis committee. It is the  student’s responsibility to schedule the proposal meeting (in person or virtually) at a time when  the entire thesis committee can attend. A copy of the proposal should be distributed to the thesis  committee members two (2) weeks in advance of their proposal meeting. Upon approval of the  thesis proposal, the research project may proceed.