Faculty Handbook

D. Faculty Committees

Participation in committee work is considered a normal part of faculty duties. The chair of each committee will arrange for minutes to be taken. As needed, the chair will give committee updates and recommendations at Faculty Senate meetings.

All committee members shall have one vote (except ex officio members). A simple majority of voting members is necessary in order for a vote to be called. If a simple majority is not present at the meeting, the vote may be carried out via e-mail. Committee chairs are responsible for archiving meeting minutes.

1. Assessment Committee 

The Assessment Committee meets monthly (September through April). It is composed of faculty from a cross-section of academic departments and Student Life. The purpose of this committee is to implement general education and program assessment plans by:

Reviewing program learning outcomes and assessment plans provided by the curriculum committee and making recommendations for clarification and improvement;
Providing guidelines, policies, and structures to facilitate cross-campus conversations on the assessment of student learning.
Review, revise, and oversee the assessment calendar; communicate deadlines to program directors and chairs.
Coordinating the collection, analysis, and reporting of student learning outcomes data in cross-campus programs and activities including General Education, Capstone Conference, and Student Life; making recommendations to appropriate directors and chairs to improve student learning in these programs.

2024-2025 Assessment Committee Members

  • Chair: Brandon Langeland
  • Vice Chair: Brandon Hensley
  • Linda Park
  • Vikki Bentley
  • Brandon Hensley
  • Liz Aguilar
  • Melissa St. Pierre
  • Kathryn Armstrong
  • Mark Manry, Ex Officio

2. Curriculum Committee

The curriculum committee meets monthly (September through April). It is composed of faculty from a cross-section of academic departments, who are voting members. Ex officio members include representatives from the Office of the Provost, the Office of the Registrar, and the Center for Advising & Vocation Services. The committee reviews and either approves or denies course proposals and program proposals. All curricular changes that affect the catalog must be approved by this committee. Changes with budget implications may be vetoed by the provost. In the case of proposals for new programs, the committee makes a recommendation to the provost, who will make the final decision. The curriculum committee ensures the following:

Changes made in one school will not adversely affect students in another.

The integrity of the general education curriculum. Major general education revisions require input from the Faculty Senate and Academic Cabinet.

There is sufficient academic need and student demand for all additions to the curriculum.

Curricular changes are driven by assessment.

Changes are clearly communicated to all campus stakeholders, and the appropriate publications are updated.

2024-2025 Curriculum Committee Members

  • Chair: David Greer
  • Vice Chair: Zac Watson
  • Cynthia Clark (Mentor-Chair)
  • Carol Cooper
  • Heidi Reed
  • Luke Beach
  • Gary Turner
  • Linda DeJarnette, Ex Officio
  • Debi Rutledge, Ex Officio
  • Julayne Hughes, Ex Officio 

3. Academic Appeals Committee

The committee is composed of faculty from a cross-section of academic departments, and handles the following for all Rochester Christian University students: 

Academic Appeals: These appeals follow the process outlined in the catalog and are the final level of appeal for complaints regarding course grades and class policies, as well as institutional academic policies. All meeting minutes should be filed with the Registrar’s office, and all decisions should be communicated to the Provost. Deans will recuse themselves from appeals involving their school.

Conduct Hearings and Student Life Appeals: These hearings and appeals follow the process outlined in the Student Handbook. At the request of the Dean of Students, the committee makes decisions regarding student discipline for conduct that is inconsistent with the principles and policies of Rochester Christian University. Additionally, the committee is the final level of appeal for policy complaints received through the Student Grievance Form.

SAP: Members of the discipline and appeals committee will also be voting members of the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) committee.

2024-2025 Academic Appeals Committee Members

  • Chair: Greg Stevenson
  • Lora Hutson (Mentor-Chair)
  • Vivian Turner
  • Jennifer Robinson
  • Joel Hachem
  • Rebekah Pinchback
  • Amy Guitar
  • Remy Bruder, Ex Officio

4.  Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee

The Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee is a product of the Rochester Christian University Diversity Blueprint that maps out a trajectory for an improved campus environment where all individuals feel they can have a voice and feel like they have a place to belong. The JEDI Committee will work toward actionable goals in improving the policies, processes, and initiatives on campus in relation to diversity, inclusion, and equity at Rochester Christian University.

2024-2025 Faculty delegates to the Diversity Committee

  • Jaymes Vettraino
  • Kim Gnagey
  • Naomi Walters

5. Institutional Review Board

Faculty and students who wish to conduct research with human participants must first receive approval from Rochester Christian University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB).  Members of the IRB are composed of faculty from a cross-section of academic departments, and are expected to maintain CITI certification by completing the Faculty/Staff course in Human Subjects Research. For more information, please see: www.citiprogram.org.                  

2024-2025 Institutional Review Board Committee Members

  • Chair: Jessica Matyas
  • Vice Chair: Jerrica Pitzen
  • Katharyn Cochrane
  • John Collins
  • Bonnie McIntosh
  • Alison Jimenez 

6. Promotion and Tenure Committee

The Promotion and Tenure Committee consists of the provost, a dean selected by the Academic Cabinet, and three representatives selected by the Faculty Senate, who come from a cross-section of academic departments. Academic Quality and Innovation members from the Board of Trustees are invited to all meetings to provide input about procedures and promotion and tenure decisions.

The provost communicates approval of tenure recommendations to the president. AQI members communicate promotion recommendations to the Board of Trustees. 

2024-2025 Promotion and Tenure Committee Members

  • Chair: David Brackney
  • Rob Arbaugh
  • Katie Stokes
  • Keith Huey

7. Graduate Council

The Graduate Council is composed of faculty from a cross-section of academic departments offering graduate degrees, and is a principal advisory and coordinating body for graduate study at RCU. The council has the responsibility for developing and maintaining policies that establish the rules and standards pertaining to graduate programs. The decisions of the council are subject to review by the Faculty Senate and final approval of the provost. 

2024-2025 Graduate Council Members

  • Chair: Dave Hutson
  • Mark Love
  • Natalie Magnusson

8. GEO Committee

The GEO Committee is a principal advisory and coordinating body for Global Educational Opportunities at RCU. The committee has the responsibility for developing and maintaining policies and processes for academic trips, both domestic and international. The decisions of the committee are subject to review by the Faculty Senate and final approval of the provost.

2024-2025 GEO Committee Members

  • Chair: Keith Huey
  • Allison Jimenez
  • David Geer

9. Faculty Senate 

This committee runs the Faculty Senate. Officer duties can be found in the RUFS Constitution.

2024-2025 Faculty Senate Officers 

  • Chair: Naomi Walters 
  • Vice Chair: Jessica Matyas
  • Secretary: David Sirka