Faculty Handbook

XIII. Additional Resources

Additional resources are available in the “Faculty Resources” Shared Google Drive, https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0AMLkRwk13-5JUk9PVA, and through https://my.RochesterU.edu/

To access items in the Google Drive, be sure to be logged into your Rochester Christian University Google account.

The Google Drive includes the following:

●  5-Year Academic Calendar
●  Academic Record Retention Guide
●  ACE Information
●  Attendance Submitting Tutorial
●  Code of Academic Integrity
●  FERPA Guide
●  Grade Change Request Tutorial
●  Grade Submitting Tutorial
●  Library Services Guide
●  Pharos Guide
●  Plagiarism Reporting Process
●  Response Guide for Difficult Student Situations
●  Section Number Key
●  Support our Students (SOS) Guide
●  Syllabus Guidelines
●  Understanding SAP Flow Charthttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1pmxtFDeun76V-32X-rcc4Ag7WtT1eKvY/view
●      Understanding Section Numbers

The My.RochesterU Website, https://my.RochesterU.edu/ includes the following:

●  Class Cancellation Form
●  Classroom Reservation Form
●  Emergency Guidelines
●  Employee Phone List-Alphabetical
●  Employee Phone List-Departmental