Course Delivery Model
A seated course is offered face-to-face at regular meeting times. All Rochester College courses are assumed to be seated courses unless explicitly stated otherwise on the course offering.
Any seated course may become web-enhanced through a supplementary course website. Faculty members are encouraged to web-enhance their courses. Moodle is the required platform. Faculty must contact RC Online to set up a course shell before the semester if they choose to use web enhancement in their courses.
An online course is 100% online unless it includes a lab component. All online courses are offered through the Moodle platform.
A hybrid course meets on campus and contains a significant amount of online activities. In-person and online course participation is required.
Each section has, in addition to a 4-digit course number, a 4-5 digit section number that provides a variety of information. (Example: ENG 1113-ST01)
Character 1 - Course Delivery Mode
W = Web
H = Hybrid
I = Independent Study
S = Seated
Character 2 - Program Type
C = Accelerated Learning
E = Early College
H = Honors
M = Masters
P = Professional Development
T = Traditional
Characters 3 & 4 - Section Number
01, 02, 03, ...11, 12...etc
Character 5 - Course Length
A = 8-week Session A
B = 8-week Session B
[Blank] = 16 week semester