Faculty Handbook

3. Final Course Grades

  1. Submitting Final Grades

    Instructors are required to assign a grade for every student on their final roster in each course. The grade scale is included in the next section of this handbook, “Academic Policies.”

    All grades are due on the first Tuesday after the last day of final exams. Full-time, part-time, and adjunct faculty members are responsible for entering their course grades directly via the faculty portal. Students access their official final grades through the student portal. Faculty may discuss grades and academic work with individual students through e-mail if official university accounts are used.

  2. Grade Changes

    Once a final course grade has been submitted to the Office of the Registrar, grade change requests must be submitted through the employee portal within the course grade options.

  3. Maintaining Grade Records

    Each instructor should retain relevant student records pertaining to student performance in their classes for a minimum of three (3) years. Upon separation from the institution, the faculty member will deposit these records in the Office of the Registrar.

  4. Incomplete Grades

    When students are unable to successfully complete a course due to unavoidable reasons such as extended illness, follow the incomplete policy in the catalog.