Course Catalog 2020-2021

Attendance Policy

Rochester University expects regular and punctual attendance, which is recorded by all instructors and affects final course grades. Students are responsible for reading the attendance policy explained in each class syllabus. Students must attend 70% of scheduled class meetings to pass the course.

NOTE: Only two absences are allowed in eight-week accelerated courses, but these absences should not be viewed as permission to miss class; all absences can have negative consequences.

Institutionally approved absences for athletics, performances, or other activities for which advanced notification is given by the appropriate university employee are granted without penalty as long as the absences are within the 30% acceptable limit. Individual faculty members may impose stricter absence limits within the 30% limit for absences other than those created by institutionally-approved activities. Athletes, performers, and others engaged in activities that take them out of class are responsible to make up work missed during these absences and to manage their attendance so that their academic performance is not compromised.

Instructors are not required to allow make-up of daily in-class work. Major assignments and examinations may be made up for institutionally-approved absences and doctor-documented illnesses. Students must request a make-up within one week of the absence, or the instructor is not obligated to allow the make-up work. For institutionally approved absences, students must make arrangements with the instructor prior to the absence.

Students who miss more class meetings than allowed by the attendance requirement as stated in the course syllabus (and who do not withdraw by the last day to withdraw) receive a grade of F for the course. It is the responsibility of the student to withdraw from the course by the last day to withdraw. These dates are posted on the university website and at the beginning of this catalog.

Note: Students who do not attend the first three weeks of any class will be administratively dropped from their courses. Students who do not attend any classes for 14 concurrent days will be administratively withdrawn from their courses. 


Attendance in an online class is defined as logging in and actively participating in the course. Active online participation includes "ice breaker" activities; submitting a test, quiz, paper, or assignment to the instructor; or participating in online discussion boards.