Course Catalog 2018-2019

Behavioral Science Major featuring a Social Work Track, BS

A major in Behavioral Science with a Social Work Track may lead to entry-level jobs in crisis intervention centers, counseling clinics, community service agencies, or other social agencies. This degree plan includes a practicum in the student’s chosen field of study. Graduate studies normally are required to certify for practice in most agencies and for licensure as a private therapist. This major is primarily designed to be used in preparation for graduate studies in psychology, psychotherapy, professional counseling, or social work.

Program Learning Outcomes

The following learning outcomes are linked to assignments and activities throughout this program. After completing program requirements,

  1. Students will be able to identity, explain, and apply the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, empirical findings and historical trends in psychology and social work to behavioral problems.
  2. Students will be able to use research design and data analysis to generate insights into behavioral and psychological phenomena.
  3. Students will be able to use scientific reasoning and theory to solve problems and examine behavioral and mental processes.
  4. Students will be able to identify and evaluate ambiguity in scientific evidence, and the complexity of sociocultural diversity.
  5. Students will be able identify and explain good practice that reflects ethical values that contribute to positive outcomes in home, work, and public life.
  6. Students will be able to write a clear and precise scientific argument, present information using a scientific approach, engage in discussion of psychological concepts, explain the ideas of others, and express their own ideas with clarity in different formats.
  7. Students will be able to reflect on their own and others' behavior and mental processes and apply effective strategies for self-management, teamwork, self-improvement and vocational preparation.
  8. Students will be able to discern the relationship between faith and science and articulate their own view of the world.
These Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) are also representative of the guidelines adapted from the American Psychological Association (2013) APA guidelines for the undergraduate psychology major: Version 2.0 (

Requirements for the BS in Behavioral Science

General Education Core 35 hours

(The following general education requirements are covered in the major: Social and Behavioral Science, Global Studies and Diversity. MAT 2413 is required to satisfy Critical Thinking/Math Competency. )

Behavioral Science Major 27 hours

PSY 2013General Psychology


PSY 2223Life Span Development


Choose one: 3 hours

PSY 3013Psychology of Personality


PSY 3093History and Systems of Psychology


Take all of the following:

PSY 3303Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences


PSY 3323Research Methods in the Social Sciences


PSY 3403Intro to Psychotherapy and Counseling


PSY 3423Diversity and Cross-Cultural Psychology


SWK 4893Social Work Field Practicum


PSY 4943Ethics in the Behavioral Sciences


Track: Social Work 18 hours

PSY 3413Substance Abuse and Addictive Behavior



PSY 4423Psychology of Group Processes



SWK 2013Introduction to Social Work


SWK 3003Human Behavior and the Social Environment


SWK 3103Social Welfare and Public Policy


SWK 4403Social Work Practice I


SWK 4413Social Work Practice II


Minor (Recommended) 18 hours

Electives 22 hours

Total Credit Hours: 120