Course Catalog 2017-2018

Biblical Studies, BS

The Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies focuses on the interpretation of biblical texts for the sake of building up the people of God. To interpret ancient biblical texts, students explore biblical languages (Greek and Hebrew), the historical contexts in which they were written, the ways texts have been interpreted and understood throughout Christian history, and the larger theological understandings that both influence and are influenced by biblical interpretation. While historical and grammatical aspects of interpreting texts are emphasized, students also focus on the use of Scripture in contemporary settings. Graduates of the Biblical Studies degree are well equipped for graduate work which may eventually lead to professions in teaching and translation. Graduates also find ministry opportunities available to them given the need for biblical teaching and preaching within congregations.

Program Learning Outcomes

The following learning outcomes are linked to assignments and activities throughout this program. After completing program requirements,

1. Graduates demonstrate a broad understanding of the Bible and the world that produced it. 

  • Students will be able to interpret Scripture, utilizing critical methods associated with biblical exegesis. 

  • Students will be able to connect biblical content to other ancient religious and historical texts, appreciating cultural values different than their own.

  • Students will be able to relate the meaning of specific texts to the larger themes and teachings of Scripture, demonstrating the relationship of the parts to the whole.

  • Students will be able to apply biblical teaching to ethical and moral concerns, both for the church and the world.

2.Graduates align their own lives with the spiritual teaching of Scripture for the sake of better interpretation.

  • Students will be able to cultivate practices that reveal reverence for God and Scripture.

  • Students will be able to reflect on their own experiences of justice and mercy at the intersection of text and context.

  • Students will be able to situate their interpretation of texts in the context of the practice of pastoral care, both individual and congregational.

3. Graduates serve the church and others through biblical teaching.

  • Students will be able to present informed, well-organized, and focused communication of Scripture in both written and oral form.

  • Students will be able to consider interpretations other than their own with patience, graciousness, and humility.

  • Students will be able to lead groups in study and discussions related to Scripture.

4. Graduates identify and evaluate their own interpretative practice within the larger Christian tradition.

  • Students will be able to display in writing and oral presentation familiarity with the sweep of Christian history and theology.

  • Students will be able to identify and evaluate the place their own ecclesial tradition occupies in the larger tradition, including approaches to biblical interpretation.

  • Students will be able to identify and evaluate theological commitments and practices represented by other ecclesial traditions, including approaches to biblical interpretation.

Requirements for the BS in Biblical Studies

General Education Core 40 hours

In the Theological Literacy area of general education, Bible/ministry majors must take REL 1003, REL 1013, and MIN 2513. PSY 2013 is required in the Social and Behavioral Science area.

Biblical Studies Major 53-54 hours

Choose Greek or Hebrew Language Track - 7 to 8 hours

GRE 3314Intermediate Greek Grammar



GRE 3413Advanced Greek Readings I



GRE 3423Advanced Greek Readings II




HEB 1214Elementary Hebrew I


HEB 1224Elementary Hebrew II


Textual courses

BIB 3000+ OT


BIB 3000+ NT


BIB 3000+


BIB 3000+


BIB 4000+


BIB 2983Biblical Interpretation


Take all of the following:

BIB 4394Contemporary Issues in Hermeneutics


GRE 1214Elementary Greek I


GRE 1224Elementary Greek II


MIN 3813Ministry of the Word


THL 3793History and Theology of the Christian Tradition I


THL 3893Special Topics in Historical Theology


THL 4003History and Theology of the Christian Tradition II


BIB 4394: capstone

Choose one: 3 hours

BIB 4193History and Theology of the Old Testament


BIB 4293History and Theology of the New Testament


Minor (recommended) 18

Electives 9-10

Total Credit Hours: 120