Art Concentration
ART 4123: repeatable.
INS 4413 Aesthetics also fulfills the Aesthetics requirement.
Choose FOUR from: 12 hours
Total Credit Hours: 24
Bible Concentration
| BIB 3000 or above textual course | 9 |
BIB 2333 | Biblical Studies Tools | 3 |
BIB 2983 | Biblical Interpretation | 3 |
BIB 4394 | Contemporary Issues in Hermeneutics | 4 |
MIN 3813 | Ministry of the Word | 3 |
Choose one: 3 hours
THL 3793 | History and Theology of the Christian Tradition I | 3 |
THL 4003 | History and Theology of the Christian Tradition II | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: 25
Business Concentration
Choose one: 3 hours
Total Credit Hours: 24
English Concentration
ENG 3513 | Critical Writing and Literary Analysis | 3 |
ENG 3613 | Grammar and Linguistics | 3 |
ENG 4523 | Advanced Composition | 3 |
ENG 3000 | level or above | 3 |
Choose one: 3 hours
Choose one: 3 hours
Choose one: 3 hours
Choose one: 3 hours
Total Credit Hours: 24
General Science Concentration
Select one Laboratory Science sequence (another sequence must be included in the General Education core): 8 hours
Choose 16 hours:
14 hours from:
2 hours from:
Total Credit Hours: 24
History Concentration
Choose three: 9 hours
Choose five with no more than 3 hours lower division: 15 hours
Total Credit Hours: 24
Honors Leadership Concentration
LDR 3653 | Strategic Leadership Theory and Practice | 3 |
SEN 2013 | Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship | 3 |
THL 2013 | Spiritual Formation | 3 |
Choose three (9 hours)
These courses are repeatable, so the course titles vary.The same course can be taken twice as long as the titles are different.
Complete honors contracts in two of the following:
Total Credit Hours: 24
International Studies Concentration
Six hours of liberal arts taken while participating in an RC GEO international program 6 hours
Minimum of six hours of the same foreign language 6 hours
Choose six hours from:
Choose six hours from:
Total Credit Hours: 24
Mass Communication Concentration
Total Credit Hours: 24
Mathematics Concentration
Total Credit Hours: 24
Ministry Concentration
Choose one:
Choose one:
THL 3793 | History and Theology of the Christian Tradition I | 3 |
THL 4003 | History and Theology of the Christian Tradition II | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: 25
Performing Arts Concentration
Take the following:
Choose six hours from
Choose four hours from:
Choose four hours from:
Total Credit Hours: 25
For students who score 80% or higher on the Music Theory Placement test, MUS 1221 and MUS 1223 or any THE 2000 or above can be used to replace MUS 1041 and MUS 1203.
Pre-Law Concentration
Choose one:
Take all of the following:
Total Credit Hours: 24
Professional Writing Concentration
ENG 3513 | Critical Writing and Literary Analysis | 3 |
ENG 3523 | Creative Writing | 3 |
ENG 3613 | Grammar and Linguistics | 3 |
ENG 4523 | Advanced Composition | 3 |
| | |
| Choose from any upper division JRN | 3 |
| OR | |
BUS 3003 | Business Communication | 3 |
| | |
JRN 2513 | Media Writing | 3 |
PRN 2613 | Introduction to Public Relations | 3 |
PRN 3513 | Public Relations Writing and Visual Design | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: 24
Psychology Concentration
Choose one: 3 hours
Choose one: 3 hours
Choose four courses from the following 12 hours
(at least three must be PSY; at least two must be upper division):
Choose one from:
Total Credit Hours: 25
Social Entrepreneurship Concentration
Choose one from:
Total Credit Hours: 24
Note: MGT 2603 Principles of Management, PDS 2001, and PDS 3001 are waived for non-business majors.
Strategic Leadership Concentration
Total Credit Hours: 24
Theatre Concentration
Choose 2 courses from the following: 2 hours
Take the following:
Choose 2 courses from the following: 6 hours
THE 4743 | Studies in Genre: Drama | 3 |
| OR | |
ENG 4743 | Studies in Genre: Drama | 3 |
| | |
THE 3313 | History of Western Theatre: Greeks to Renaissance | 3 |
THE 3323 | History of Western Theatre: Renaissance to the Present | 3 |
THE 4503 | Acting Theory | 3 |
THE 4603 | Dramatic Criticism | 3 |
Choose 10 hours from any THE 2000+ courses
Take one of the following:
Total Credit Hours: 24