Course Catalog 2017-2018

Student Conduct Policy

Corrective action may be taken against students by the Graduate Council for the following reasons:

  1. Misconduct related to academic integrity. Work represented by students must be their own. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.
  2. Conduct not in keeping with the standards of Christian leadership. The MRE is a formation degree for Christian ministry. This formation includes cultivating a way of life in keeping with standards of Christian morality. Failure in this regard may be the basis for corrective action.
  3. Behavior detrimental to maintaining a healthy learning community. Given the cohort nature of the MRE in missional leadership, the ability of students to learn in community is vital. Corrective action may be taken if a student is deemed to be persistently disruptive of cohort cohesion.

Students deemed by faculty or the Graduate Council to be in violation in any of these areas will face the following possible corrective actions:

  1. A warning may be issued. The warning will include a description related to the area(s) of concern, and specifics related to expectations for the student’s continuing participation in the program.
  2. Suspension from the program for a semester so that the student might address specific issues. The Graduate Council will provide specific steps to be completed by the student during the time of suspension. The student must request in writing to re-enter the program, detailing steps taken by the student, no later than 30 days before the start of the next semester. If the student does not comply with the conditions related to reinstatement into the program, the Graduate Council may dismiss the student from the program.
  3. Dismissal from the program. A student may be dismissed from the program by the Graduate Council if the misconduct is deemed to be egregious, or if the student fails to respond to previous warnings.

Students may appeal any corrective actions taken by the MRE Graduate Council. The intent to appeal must be indicated in writing to the Director of the MRE within 14 days of the notification of the student of corrective action. Standard grievance policies, as outlined above, will be followed.