Course Catalog 2017-2018

Academic Policies for the MRE Program

  • A student may transfer up to 6 credit hours from another accredited graduate program. No grade below a B will be accepted in transfer.
  • A graduate student is considered full time when a student is enrolled in at least 6 hours of graduate study. The MRE curriculum is designed around a 9 hour semester. Students, however, may choose to take only 6 hours. Semesters below 6 hours will be considered only on a hardship basis and by the prior approval of the Director. A $150 continuation fee will be applied to every semester below 6 hours. This fee will also be applied to every semester beyond the third year of a student’s participation in the program.
  • A student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0. If a student’s grade point average drops below 3.0, a student will be placed on academic probationary status. If after one academic year a student on academic probation fails to raise his/her grade point average to at least 3.0, the student will be required to meet with the director of the MRE program to determine the student’s future in the program.
  • A student must satisfactorily complete all requirements for the MRE degree within four years of being admitted into the graduate program.