Course Catalog 2022-2023

Graduate Studies: Masters of Religious Education

The Masters of Religious Education at Rochester University provides leading edge training for all who are interested in leading vital faith communities in a rapidly changing cultural context. The MRE in Missional Leadership integrates studies in Scripture, theology, and pastoral leadership with actual leadership opportunities in faith communities. MRE students learn in cohorts, which are typically diverse, including both professional and volunteer ministry leaders. All who are interested in the adventure of leading God's people in a new missional era are encouraged to apply.


Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Missional leaders serve in the mission of God in relation to a God-centered identity. They lead, in other words, out of a clear and cultivated sense of calling, or vocation, and not in relation to their role. They cultivate habits and practices that help them to better discern and participate in the life of God. 

  2. Missional leaders center the margins, locating their lives and communities among the suffering with the belief that hearing the experiences and perspectives of the powerless deepens compassion, ignites works of justice, and helps communities more fully embody the eschatological vision of the kingdom of God.   

  3. Missional leaders interpret local contexts culturally, using the tools of ethnography. By attending deeply to a congregation and its immediate context, the missional leader provides thick descriptions that serve the task of doing local theology.

  4. Missional leaders enable congregations to interpret their shared life in light of the global and historical story of Christianity, including theological themes that have been central to understanding God’s work in the world.

  5. Missional leaders practice hospitality as they convene and lead groups for the sake of discerning and joining the mission of God. They do this primarily around rhythms of action, reflection, and articulation. 

  6. Missional leaders maintain environments that allow congregations to develop a shared, biblical imagination for mission. This includes teaching and preaching, but also necessitates slow, communal readings embodied in practices like Dwelling in the Word.