Course Catalog 2020-2021

Guest Students

A student is classified as a guest student in the following circumstances:

  • The student is enrolled at another college or university.
  • The student is not seeking a degree from Rochester University.
  • The student is auditing a course.

Guest students must pay normal tuition and course fees or the audit fee and are not eligible for institutional, state or federal aid.

Those who are students at another college or university must fill out a Michigan Undergraduate Guest Application. Those who are not students at another college or university must fill out a Guest Student Application for both the traditional and accelerated programs and select “Non-Degree Seeking” for program or major. There is no application fee for guest students.

Guest students should be aware of the following:

  1. Guest students attending another institution are responsible to ensure that they have successfully completed the pre-requisites to any course they are taking, if applicable. Guest students who are not attending another institution must produce evidence that they have completed pre-requisites to any course they are taking, if applicable.
  2. Guest students who attend another college or university must request that their RU grades and credits be sent to their home college or university via a normal transcript request. Transferability of courses should be pre-determined by the student with his or her home institution.
  3. Guest students who wish to take more than six hours in a semester, decide to begin working toward fulfillment of a Rochester University degree plan, or have accumulated 12 or more hours as a guest student must apply for admission to be enrolled as a regular student if they wish to continue taking additional Rochester University course work. Guest students may appeal these restrictions in writing to the provost.
  4. Guest students are subject to the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy.