Course Catalog 2017-2018

Secondary Education Certification Recommendation, BS

Rochester College is authorized by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) to recommend teacher candidates to the state for certification. Secondary education candidates may receive certification in one or more of the following content areas: English education, health education, history education, integrated science education, learning disabilities, English as a Second Language (ESL), secondary math education, psychology education, reading education, speech education, and social studies education. Graduates with the learning disabilities major may work with students with learning disabilities in grades K-12.

Since the process of becoming a teacher includes both a baccalaureate degree and professional certification, students must declare their intent as early as possible in order to plan with an education adviser. The advising process is a critical aspect of teacher preparation; for example, some courses meet both general education and teacher education requirements at the same time. Education advisers work with each student to plan appropriate progress toward the completion of requirements of the teacher education program.

Endorsements in all content areas listed above are offered to post-baccalaureate students seeking additional teacher certification beyond their initial certification. Post-baccalaureate students must also meet all of the MDE’s Standards, Rules, and Guidelines for Elementary and Secondary Provisional Certification. Students must complete the college’s Christian Values requirement, a teachable major and/or minor, and all coursework and field experiences in the professional studies component.

Program Learning Goals (aligned to CAEP program outcomes): After completing this program, students will be proficient in

  1. Content Knowledge - Teacher candidates possess the depth of knowledge necessary to teach all content in a meaningful manner to all students in their classrooms for grades 6-12. They have a thorough applied understanding of Common Core Standards (CCSS) for Math and Language Arts; Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCE) for Social Studies; Visual and Performing Arts and/or Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), depending on their content major. (1.3, 1.4)
  2. Instruction - Teacher Candidates design and implement instruction to construct learning opportunities that support individual students' development, motivation, acquisition, and application of knowledge and skills. (1.1, 1.5)
  3. Assessment - Candidates know, understand, and use data from formative and summative assessments in addition to formal and informal assessment strategies to plan, evaluate, and strengthen instruction. (1.2)
  4. Professional Practices - Rochester College teacher candidates are prepared to demonstrate professional practices and behaviors that include the scope of the mentor teacher's responsibilities and obligations and are characteristic of research on teaching and resources available for professional learning including Michigan's policy documents (e.g., CCSS, MCF, GLCE, and UDL). Candidates are able to manage instruction in their content major and/or minor and, with appropriate endorsements, provide instruction for students in grades 6-12. (3.3)

Requirements for the BS with Secondary Education Certification Recommendation

General Education Core 31-35 hours

(some major/minor courses may satisfy general education requirements)

Content Area Major 32-57 hours

Professional Studies Core 32 hours

EDU 2262Media and Technology


EDU 3213Educational Psychology


EDU 3224Classroom Teaching and Management


EDU 3243Teaching Exceptional Students


EDU 3251Professional Preparation Workshop


EDU 3263Ethics and Culture in Education


EDU 3271Ethics and Culture Field Experience


EDU 4683Educational Foundations & Assessment - Secondary


EDU 4821Student Teaching Seminar: Secondary


EDU 4828Student Teaching: Secondary


RDG 4403Literacy in Secondary Schools


Content Area Minor 21-27 hours

Total Credit Hours: 120-133