Course Catalog 2017-2018

Refunds and Credits

Refund Schedule for Intensive Courses

The following refund periods apply Refund
Prior to first day of class 100%, no fee
Day 1 - 14 100%, no fee through census date
Day 15 - 28 50%, drop fee assessed
Day 29 - 77 0% refund, drop fee assessed

Refund Schedule for Online Courses

The following refund periods apply Refund
Prior to first day 100%, no fee
Day 1 - 7 100%, no fee
Day 8 - 14 50%, drop fee assessed
Day 15 - 28 0%, drop fee assessed (day 28 is last day to withdraw)

Course Refunds

Students who drop or withdraw from a course but remain enrolled in one or more courses will receive a refund for the course(s) based on the last date of attendance. Any drop or add that does not result in a net change in course load also will not be subject to a refund. Changes in course load may adversely affect a student’s financial aid awards. Students should consult Student Financial Services prior to dropping or withdrawing from a course.