Course Catalog 2017-2018

Student Groups


Students may audition for campus theatre productions or get involved backstage. The theatre department produces four or more plays per academic year, including a musical in the fall semester. Additionally, students have opportunities to learn to direct, stage manage, and design for the theatre. Students may also get involved with performance groups that tour to local schools, churches, camps, and other community venues.

Music Ensembles

Each spring, students may audition for one or more of the vocal, instrumental, and theatrical groups sponsored by Rochester College. Students who have an interest in singing may join the A Cappella Chorus, which performs at local, regional, and national events, or the Rochester Community Chorus, which performs frequently with the Rochester Symphony Orchestra. Students also have the opportunity to audition for Autumn, which performs contemporary Christian and popular music for a variety of audiences. Students with instrumental skills may audition for the Concert Band or instrumental worship band.

Residence Life

A student staff is selected each year to lead their peers in the residence halls. These students, called resident assistants (RA), are responsible for governing the halls and for building community within them by planning co-curricular social, spiritual, and educational activities. Each resident assistant receives a room discount and weekly pay.

Student Publications

Students have the opportunity to put their skills to work through Shield student media, which include:

  • Shield, RC’s four-color student magazine, produced twice a year and written, edited, designed and photographed by students. The staff also produce smaller specialized publications throughout the year. The magazine has been ranked First Class by the Associated Collegiate Press.
  •, a student-produced website with fresh content, photos and stories about RC.

Faculty in the mass communication department train and oversee students in preparation and production of Shield. Working for Shield offers students the opportunity to use their creative talents in producing media while at the same time helping them gain valuable media experience. Mass communication majors are required to work for Shield, and students from other majors are welcome to participate as well. Scholarships are available to students who work as editors or managers. Even with no experience in publication work, students who have an interest in writing, editing, design or photography are encouraged to volunteer for Shield. Students can enroll in JRN 1101 Shield Media Workshop, which is a hands-on workshop class.

Student Government Association

The purpose of the Student Government Association (SGA) is to support the mission of the Center for Student Life by shaping and enhancing the student experience for all Rochester College students through student advocacy and intentional student focused co-curricular programming.

The Student Government Association consists of a student elected Executive Council and Senate who oversee activity councils dedicated to diversity, health and wellness, fundraising, weekend programming, commuter programming, and academics. Students interested in volunteering to serve on an activity council may express interest using the Activity Council Membership Form.

Greek Life

The Rochester College Greek Life Program was instituted to offer the student body smaller peer group involvement, accountability, leadership development and service opportunities, and to foster a sense of unity in a Christian setting.

The Greek Life program at Rochester College is under the direction of the Center for Student Life. The Center for Student Life oversees and coordinates all Greek Life activities. This group works in conjunction with each of the clubs to help ensure that each particular mission is upheld and that unity within the social club program is encouraged in its meetings, activities, projects and programs.

Purpose of Greek Life

The purpose of Greek Life is to foster friendship, loyalty, develop leadership attributes, and help create individuals who value scholarship, integrity and strong relationships, not only to each other, but ultimately to Christ.

Greek Life membership is open to any Rochester College student enrolled in nine or more credit hours. Initial requirements include a willingness to attend mixers, meet people and participate in orientation activities. After new member orientation, members must attend regular meetings, pay dues, meet club standards of behavior, meet grade point average requirements and be an active part of club culture. For more information regarding social club membership, please see the assistant dean of student engagement or consult the Student Organization Handbook.

The commitment of Rochester College, in conjunction with the social club program, is threefold:

  1. To help foster appropriate social interaction, leadership opportunities and the responsibility to serve mankind.
  2. To involve staff, faculty and community adults in the sponsorship of the clubs in order to foster appropriate leadership and mentoring.
  3. To oversee the structural and financial responsibility of these organizations so that the credibility of the clubs can be maintained consistently.

Every social club exists because its founding members petitioned the college and received approval for its charter. Without following proper procedures, campus organizations cannot exist. It is crucial that the actions of each of the clubs and its members reflect a positive, Christ-like image in keeping with its mission, as well as the mission of the college.

Three Greek Life clubs currently serve as a basis for one venue of organized socialization at Rochester College providing special activities, sports rivalry, service projects and a smaller group of companions. Our co-ed Greek Life club is: Sigma Phi (women)/Delta Nu (men). Two gender-focused Greek Life clubs are: Epsilon Theta Chi (men) and Omicron Omega Zeta (women). For more details about each club, request a copy of the club’s mission statement or bylaws/constitution from the Student Life Office.

Departmental Organizations and Honor Societies

Qualified students may be invited to join Alpha Chi, a national honor society; Psi Chi, an international honor society for psychology students; the Student Nurses Association, which is for nursing and pre-nursing students; or Honors Council, which provides student leadership for the honors program, plans extracurricular activities, and provides input regarding the academic curriculum.