Course Catalog 2017-2018

Chapel/Convocation Series

As a part of Rochester College's Christian mission and identity, every full-time traditional student is required to participate in the Rochester College Chapel/Convocation series (RCC), which is overseen by the Campus Ministry office within the Center for Student Life.

The RCC series offers opportunities for students to participate in chapels, convocations, and service initiatives aimed at building Christian faith and community, affirming Christian values, and developing a holistic understanding of spiritual, emotional, and physical wellness. The RCC series also includes a variety of opportunities, which include chapel/convocation, and chapel electives.

Every full-time traditional student is enrolled in “RCC 2001: Chapel/Convocation” during every fall and spring semester attended, with a limit of eight semesters. Please note that RCC 2001 is a one academic credit course, however the class will appear as a 0 credit course until it is added in during the last week of the semester when a student’s attendance has been calculated. Students who attend Rochester College for more than eight semesters are not enrolled in RCC 2001 and are not required to participate after their eighth semester. As RCC 2001 carries one academic credit (added at the last week of classes), a letter grade is assigned at the end of each semester, based on a 35-point scale that corresponds to the number of events attended during the semester. The grading scale is as follows:

        35 or more points A
32-34 B
29-31 C
25-28 D
24 or fewer F

No tuition is charged for RCC 2001. If a student drops below full-time, the credit for RCC is dropped unless the student requests to continue in the course. Part time students wishing to enroll in chapel will be approved on a "case by case" basis. The maximum RCC credits that can be earned during the course of a degree are eight. These credits do not count toward the overall credits required for the completion of a degree, but they are calculated as part of a student’s overall GPA and graduation honors.

A schedule of RCC opportunities is published every semester and includes chapel and convocation events which occur every Tuesday and Thursday morning throughout the fall and spring semesters. Attendance at these events is recorded by electronic readers which require student ID cards. Credit for attendance is given only to those students who have their ID cards scanned. Lost, stolen, or damaged cards should be replaced as soon as possible at the Student Life office. Graduate, part-time, non-traditional, and non-degree seeking students are not enrolled in the RCC program, but are always welcomed.

Chapel Modification Options

Chapel is an integral part to the Rochester College educational experience, therefore exemptions are not granted. Chapel modifications alter the number of points necessary to earn an A.

Chapel modifications are considered for the following types of students:

(1) Students who can demonstrate through the presentation of birth certificates and IDs that they are parents dealing with childcare issues

(2) Education majors during the semester of student teaching, social work or business majors during the semester of their internships, nursing majors on clinical rotations that conflict with a Tuesday/Thursday chapel schedule, and mass communication majors during the semester(s) of Specs Howard attendance requirements

(3) Commuter students with fewer than nine traditional face-to-face credit hours in a semester

All such inquiries should be submitted via Chapel Modification Form on the student portal under the Chapel tab. Additional questions can directed to the assistant dean of Spiritual Formation and Chapel Coordinator.

** Students doing field practicum in their degree can apply for exemption for that semester.

Checking Chapel/Convocation Attendance

It is a student's responsibility to track his/her attendance. The college tracks each student's attendance level through the ID card system, which can be accessed by visiting the student portal and logging in with the student's assigned login information. Should the information on the student portal not coincide with a student's records, it is the student's responsibility to contact the Student Life office immediately to make sure his/her card is working properly. The student will be required to provide a short summary of chapel content and its specific impact on them. All point inconsistency inquiries should be reported to Student Life within 2 weeks of the date(s) in question.


Chapel/Convocation Behavior

Rochester College values an atmosphere of engagement and respect. Chapel time is an opportunity to gather with our community. Students are expected to participate with engaged listening, appropriate responses to presenters, and a respectful posture.

Students seeking to forfeit the chapel credit for the day might do the following:

  • Using headphones
  • Sleeping
  • Talking disruptively
  • Text messaging
  • Doing homework/reading for other classes
  • Any inattentive or disruptive behavior